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Explore the Benefits

of Joining the

Nextage  Legacy Team

Unfortunately, that’s the life of most real estate agents. One of the biggest sources of agent stress is this fluctuating and somewhat uncontrollable nature of your income in real estate. Close a transaction this month, close three the next… no transactions for the next two months and maybe one the following month. It’s the unpredictable income roller coaster ride that makes it difficult to build a stable career in the real estate industry.

Let's face it, most agents don't build a business. While they may do some business, it just never adds up such that next year is easier and more productive. Why is that? Because for the majority of agents, it is always about the next deal. If you don't put yourself in position to attract business to you through a purposeful and focused marketing campaign, and you never really put together the scalable systems for handling business, you will work hard, and sometimes spike your income, but you will never really have a true leveraged business. At Nextage Realty we believe a business must serves the needs and life of the owner (Pssst, that's YOU), instead of business success being at the cost of the time of your life. So ultimately, you must create a consistent flow of clients and the systems that allow you to handle more transactions without more time or labor on your part.

We also believe there are many levels of income for you to enjoy the freedoms created through your business. Wouldn’t you like to have an additional income stream to level out those fluctuations, to help make your income more predictable, more stable? We help smooth out the financial highs and lows through a compensation model that delivers income beyond active participation in your personal transactions.


At Nextage Realty, our agents are able to earn sales bonuses on the production of agents they bring into

the company. This opportunity allows for an additional source of income, one that helps you balance out those highs and lows. It gives you more in control over your career and your future, whether that’s tomorrow, in 5 months or 25 years from now. What does that mean for you? It means that your sales bonus income could add another level of income you have never had in your real estate business. It means you might not experience the extremes, especially the lows in your past income because the Nextage Realty model smooths out those peaks and valleys, (let’s leave the roller coaster rides to the thrill seekers.) relieving stress, as your income continues to grow

and grow through the years ahead, even into retirement, offering you more stability, more freedom and more opportunity for you to find the perfect balance in your life. It means you might just be able to take more time for yourself and your family, take a vacation, RELAX. So go on…visit your grandchildren, take a cruise, sit on your front porch with a nice cool glass of sweet tea and relax—with Nextage Realty, you’ve got a plan.

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Your Business Building Model

the POWER of WE

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Don’t you just love the rush of a roller coaster ride? The thrill of climbing so high and then the sinking feeling in your stomach when you nose-dive to the bottom? Roller coasters may be exciting at the theme park, but what about when it comes to your career, and your income? Is it still a thrilling ride?

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